Monday, April 21, 2008

Update from Pastor Rehman

Greetings from Pastor Rehman,
I am very happy to hear from you. Actually, I have been very busy in ministerial affairs, my church members and local people had been suffering from many problems like money, diseases, worried ness, tension and physical problems. So I started praying for them and it is nearly two months that I have been praying for them with special zeal and zest. Now I have seen many miracles like instant bondages breakdown in Lord Jesus Christ, healings and other signs and wonders. There is a brother named Saber in our church, two Sundays ago, his ears were deaf and he listened nothing for many days, so when I called for pray, he stood and God healed him. That day, there were more than 50 people standing and they all were healed immediately.
On 17 April, Brother William called me whose son Danish was very sick. He was jerking, hands and feet twisted, releasing foam from his mouth. Note his age is just 3 and half years. So I started praying for him. God revealed on me that he was not demon possessed but was suffering from a kind of fever. So we took him to doctor, the child specialist. He treated him and now has referred him to CMH, main military hospital in Multan. He is out of danger and recovering. Pray for him.
Sister Nikki, I have been teaching on true worship since last three Sundays, the first message is based on John 4:20, actually, there have been a group in Pakistan preaching that true worshippers should not use musical instruments in worship. So I am proving from the Bible that we can use musical instruments in our worship (Ephesians 5: 19; Psalm 150). There are many references in the Holy Bible. Today, I preached; John 4: 21 “Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.” The blue part of verse tells us that salvation is of the Jews. It means true pattern of worship is found in Jews community. And we know very well that they used nearly four thousands musical instruments in their worship so worship is done through clapping, singing, music, with soul and spirit.

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